Once upon a time at Aspen Grange Care Home, in the magical land of Braintree, residents enjoyed a fun and energetic pantomime performance in their wonderful lounge. The team from Tickled Pink Productions brought bright lights and spectacular scenery to turn the room into an auditorium for the afternoon.
Residents and their families came together with members of the Aspen Grange Care team to watch a special production of Beauty and the Beast. Accompanied by drinks and snacks, including popcorn and festive cakes, the audience were able to enjoy a full theatre experience in their own home.
The show featured extravagant costumes, a whole host of well-known songs, and plenty of audience participation. The actors created such an electric atmosphere that many residents were dancing in the aisles with members of the cast. To complete the theatre experience, the audience enjoyed interval drinks of Bucks Fizz and Mulled Wine.
Following the performance, the cast spent time chatting to residents. This was the perfect opportunity for them to talk about their memories of going to see shows at the theatre in their younger years. While still dressed in full costume, the actors posed for photographs with staff, visitors, and residents. After ensuring that all drinks were topped up, the Aspen Grange team served a classic buffet tea.
Tickled Pink Productions were formed in 2002 for a one-off tour of care homes around the UK. Following popular demand, the company continued producing shows specifically designed for care homes and primary schools, and they are still going strong some 18 years later.
At Aspen Grange Care Home, live entertainment is a huge part of our activities programme. Our residents love to watch shows and listen to live music. Over the years we have built up some great relationships with excellent local entertainers and performers who appear at the home on a regular basis.